
My thoughts and notes on technology and programming


My thoughts and ideas

  • Ruby autoload class

    It’s very easy in Ruby to implement classes to autoload. If you don’t know about Ruby autoload class feature here is a short description on how to utilize this feature to have cleaner codes.

  • Using LXC Containers as DevBox

    LXC Containers are light and fast, doesn’t consume lots of reasources and are very suitlable as a DevBox. But using them is tricky. Here is some practices to make them easier to use.

  • Scrum upside down

    First of all you need well established procedures and roles, then we can adopt Scrum to facilitate the delivery process.

  • Using Facebook API with AngularJs app - Part 2

    In this part I’m going to cover how to use Facebook API with AngularJs App to implement Facebook Login feature. With this feature you can easily integrate your AngularJs apps with Facebook social oAuth.

  • Using Facebook API with AngularJs app - Part 1

    In this part I’m going to cover how to use Facebook API with AngularJs App to implement Like, Recommend and Share buttons. Let’s add some cool social features in our AngularJs apps easily.

  • What is my Raspberry Pi public IP?

    Raspberry Pi sends public IP adress behind NAT via Email. If you have problem accessing Raspberry Pi public IP address because it changes dymanically here is what you need.

  • Raspberry Pi VPN Server

    How to quickly set up a VPN server using Raspberry Pi, It’s very easy to have Raspberry Pi VPN server at home. No external keyboard or HDMI needed to do this tutorial. All you need is …

  • AngularJs Facebook integration how to

    Have you ever wanted to integrate third party frameworks into AngluarJs? This is an explanation of AngularJs Facebook integration, in great details. I show you how to deal with asynchronous calls and prmises.

  • AngularJs apply explained

    If you’re working on Angularjs apps and getting $digest in progress or similar errors, it means that you still need to know more about AjngularJs apply.